Sunday, July 26, 2009

1 Week Left

Well, we´re in Ica now hanging out with Wilfredo and his family again. It´s alot of fun! Yesterday, we had our last soccer game. We won, which was nice. And I also am now 1-0 in international tennis play. This guy asked me if I wanted to play tennis, so I did and won. It was pretty sweet. I´m not sure how long we´ll be here, but I know that when we leave we´re headed back to Lima and then La Finca... One week left! :)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The 2nd Half and TRUTH

Sorry, I have been pretty busy/lazy lately with updating this. Since Nazca... We´ve been to Laramate, took a 17 hr. bus ride to Cusco, hung out there for a few days, went to 3 villages (Oruruillo, Ayaviri, & Chupa) in the freezing state of Puno, and now we´re in Arequipa (2nd largest city in Peru). In those places we played soccer, had Bible studies, fellowshipped, and just relaxed some. It´s been great! I´m still getting to spend a lot of time with God and wouldn´t trade it for anything. I can´t really begin to describe how much more I´ve learned in God this summer. Right now, we have less than 2 weeks left in Peru. We should be traveling to Caraveli, Ica, and then back to Lima. Caraveli is our only technical village left. The place we´re in now has KFC, Pizza Hut, and Burger King. So it´s obviously pretty nice. It also has a volcano on one edge of the city and a glacier covered mountain on another. Nice, but expensive.

I know everyone won´t necessarily agree with my decision to get a tattoo, but I prayed about it and I believe whole-heartedly that it does and will glorify God. I also looked in the Bible and the Scripture in Deut. that says don´t get tattoos is lumped in with commandments about not wearing cloth of two types of fiber and not planting two types of seed in the same field. Both of these seem very Jewish and Old Covenant to me. I believe that everything we do should glorify God, and again I know that this will. The belief and statement that there is absolute TRUTH is a message that needs to be sent to this postmodern world. Truth is not relevant. There is absolute TRUTH, and that TRUTH is Jesus Christ.